Markdown practice

1 minute read

Markdown practice


  • Putting number signs # in front will make <h1~6>

  • 6 of # will be <h6>


  • Any word wrapped in underscore(_)
  • Will be italic
  • Any word wrapped in doubleunderscore(__)
  • Will be bold
  • You can also use * asterisks
  • To make italic and bold



  • Item 1 - one asterisk * in front of the list items
  • Item 2
    • Item 2a - simply indent to make sub items
    • Item 2b


  1. Item 1 - number1. in fromt of the list items to make <ol>
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

    1. Item 3a
    2. Item 3b


Github Logo Using folder address doesn’t seem to work on Jekyll. Have to use URL.

  • GitHub
  • This doesn’t seem to work in Jekyll.


As Kanye West said:

We’re living the future so the present is our past.

Inline code

  • I think you should use an
  • <addr> element here instead

Syntax highlighting

function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if (arg) {
    $.facebox({ div: "#foo" });

Task Lists

  • @mentions, #refs, links, formatting, and tags supported
  • list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported)
  • this is a complete item
  • this is an incomplete item


First Header Second Header
Content from cell 1 Content from cell 2
Content in the first column Content in the second column
Content in the first column Content in the second column


  • Any word wrapped with two tildes~~ will appear crossed out like this.