Algorithm training - 완주하지 못한 선수
- coding test practice level 1
- Logic
- Given input and expected output
The first solution I came up with, but I didn’t consider cases of people with same name.
- Add filter to compare the two lists
function solution(participant, completion) {
var answer = participant.filter(x => !completion.includes(x)).toString();
return answer;
- It passed input 1 and 2 but issue was found on case number 3 that contains people with same name.
- Second attempt
- Would I be able to compare the two list easier if I sort the lists?
- Or should I compare them while I delete matched items from both lists?
- I assumed that sorting might be complicated and decided to go with deleting items.
function solution(participant, completion) {
var number = completion.length;
for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) {
var target = completion[i].toString();
var a = participant.indexOf(target);
participant = participant.splice(a, 1);
completion = completion.splice(i, 1);
var answer = participant.toString();
return answer;
- Fail
- The code became messy. Did not work well and even if it did it would have taken long time to process.
function solution(participant, completion) {
for(var i=0;i<participant.length;i++){
if(participant[i] !== completion[i]){
return participant[i];
- Found other people’s solution.
function solution(participant, completion) {
for(var i=0;i<participant.length;i++){
if(participant[i] !== completion[i]){
return participant[i];
- The reason of this failure was that I gave up on an idea that could have worked.
- I did not know about sort() Method. I ended up making a mess from the algorithm practice number one but it’s OK. It’s just a beginning. I think I am getting anxious because of my upcoming bootcamp and not having finished Vanilla JS study. Let’s keep on working and not worry about things too much.